Cerita disebalik video ngeri ni:
The Chinese media reported that the incident was triggered when the man’s girlfriend called the restaurant from a nearby internet cafe, requesting for delivery of an ice-cream cone. As the ice-cream is not an item in the restaurant’s delivery list, the request was rejected, despite another call by the boyfriend. The furious man than decided to march over to the fast food restaurant to confront the pregnant store manager.
What followed is quite horrifying as he began to attack the manager. The sad thing is that the group of restaurant workers and customers who witnessed the scenes did not try hard to stop the attacker, presumably because he was extremely aggressive. The China netizens however where not so kind. Other than condemning the acts of the man, they also chided those who were present watching the scene unfold but did little to interfere. These netizens bemoaned the general lack of compassion among the Chinese citizens.
Sumber: Forum Kaskus
Nota Dahi: Hanya dengan perkara kecik macam tu pun sapai nak pukul dan tendang pengurus kedai tu. Dah gila ke apa?
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